

Please follow links below to learn more about diabetes:

Diabetes Overview

Healthy Eating for people with diabetes

Diabetes and Exercise (ExTOD website) 

Guidance regarding specific issues related to diabetes:

Travelling with diabetes

Driving & Diabetes

Diabetes Eye Screening - video highlighting importance of diabetes eye screening

Diabetes when you are feeling poorly

Looking after yourself if you have diabetes and you are feeling unwell

Diabetic Ketoacidosis: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a rare but serious condition. This leaflet is particularly relevant to patients who are taking a tablet for type 2 diabetes that may increase their risk of getting DKA. This tablet belongs to a group of medicines called sodium glucose co- transporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitors. You may be more at risk of getting this rare side-effect in certain situations such as serious illness, dehydration, significant weight loss and have poor appetite, excessive alcohol consumption, sudden reduction in insulin treatment or during surgery. 

National Diabetes Prevention Programme

A record number of people in the UK are living with Type 2 diabetes. This figure has more than doubled since 1996. Sadly many people will experience potentially preventable complications because of diabetes, simply because they don’t know enough about their condition and how to manage it.

The good news is if you're at risk of Type 2 diabetes there are lots of small changes you can make to prevent diabetes from developing in the first place. 

The first thing to do is find out if you are at risk. And if you are, don't worry. Working with our digital partner, Xyla, we deliver tailored, personalised support to reduce people's risk of Type 2 diabetes. 

Find out if you’re one of over 5 million people in the UK who are at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes

There are different options for how you take part in the nine-month programme, depending on your preferences and needs:

  • Group-based sessions: provided in a local community venue, convenient to you, led by one of our qualified Health Coaches, with the chance to engage with others to help you reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 
  • Digital one-to-one or peer support: provided online with the choice to receive support from a health coach either via the NHS-approved Oviva app over secure app messaging, or through phone/video calls. You will have the option to receive either 1-1 or peer support, and support is entirely remote with no need to travel.

  • Tailored remote service: you may be offered the option of attending group based support entirely remotely via Microsoft Teams. This service is currently for those with: hearing impairment requiring British Sign Language; visual impairment; Bangladeshi or Pakistani backgrounds who require a specific cultural and language tailored service; women with a previous diagnosis of Gestational Diabetes. 

Contact details:

Weblink: Xyla Health & Wellbeing

Contact details: 0333 577 3010

Email address for referrals: scwcsu.hiow-ndpp@nhs.net

The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme can help you reduce your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

 Find out more by signing up to our information session: https://preventing-diabetes.co.uk/about-the-programme/  

 Full link for all dates/ PI session sign-up is here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/patient-information-session-nhs-diabetes-prevention-programme-tickets-676621251377  

 Coordination of the webinars is through Eventbrite, but all places are free and unlimited.

Diabetes Education

Healthy Living is a free online NHS service for people living with type 2 diabetes. It provides knowledge and information that will support you to manage your condition.

It includes:

  • information about type 2 diabetes and its treatments;
  • advice on emotional and mental wellbeing;
  • advice with adopting and maintaining healthy behaviours with food and exercise.

Please follow link to join the programme

You also welcome to follow series of short videos, offered by local NHS services, it covers all aspects of Type 2 diabetes, such as how it develops, how to live a healthy life with Type 2 and what you can do to reduce the risk of long term complications.  

Please follow link to visit educational videoes


Diabetes Path to Remission Programme

A free programme designed to help you reduce your diabetes medications, lose weight, improve your health, and potentially put
your type 2 diabetes into remission.

You will be offered low calorie, total diet replacement products (typically soups, shakes and porridges) totalling 800‐900 kilocalories per day, to replace all normal meals for 12 weeks.

You will receive support and monitoring for 12 months, including help to re‐introduce food after the initial 12-week period.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Age: 18-65 years old
  • Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes within the last 6 years
  • Body Mass Index of over 27Kg/m2 or Over 25 if you are from Black, Asian or other ethnic minority group

Learn more about the programme:

PDF Information Sheet

Online information: T2DR Patient Information | Xyla Services

Patient information video 

or for QR Code scan here

Please contact us for referral to the programme should you wish to join the programme.