Mother and Child Care

Pregnancy and Antenatal Care

 Content Supplied by NHS Choices

The more you know about your pregnancy and your options, the more you are likely to feel in control. The information given here is based on The Pregnancy Book, which your midwife should give you at your first appointment.   

Before you are pregnant

Your pregnancy and labour

You will need referral to Maternity Services to organise screening and reviews throughout your pregnancy.

Please follow NHS information page to learn more about planning pregnancy and care while your are pregnant.

If you are more than five weeks pregnant you can refer yourself directly to maternity service in Southampton area using this form. Please provide as much information as possible, as this will help them provide you with the most appropriate care.

You will need your Body Mass Index - you can access the calculator using link as follows - Body Mass Index.

You can also calculate your expected date of delivery using link as follows - Expected Date of Delivery.

Prescription Exemption Certificate

During Pregnancy you are entitle to exemption from prescription charges. You will need to apply for a certificate. A maternity exemption certificate entitles the mother to free prescriptions:

  • while pregnant
  • for 12 months after the birth of the child

You can obtain a paper certificate with the help of reception team or apply for one online

Pregnancy Timeline and Care
Supporting you during COVID-19

It is important for you to know that during these times that Southampton Health visiting Service are continuing to support you and your family. If you have any concerns about your child’s feeding, please consider contacting your Health Visiting team in the usual way on 0300 123 6661. Alternatively you can use our Solent Pulse text messaging service on 07491 163 227.

Postnatal: Personal and Child care

Best Beginnings:

Post Natal Healing Videos: It is a useful resource to learn about looking after yourself after delivery and exercises you can do to improve your health - please follow link to learn more about it.

Dad pad:

Postnatal - you and your baby

Breast Feeding Support:

If you are struggling with your Breastfeeding you may be referred to the Breastfeeding Support Team. Further support and information can be accessed at the following:

NCT: (website) and Helpline – 8am- Midnight every day - 0300 330 07700

Breastfeeding Network 

Southampton baby cafe (facebook page)    

National Breastfeeding Helpline - 0300 100 0212

La Leche League: - a good resource and support network for breastfeeding mothers

Baby Friendly Initiative:


Healthier Together:

Healthier Together App: 

The NHS Healthier Together app has been designed to allow you to access care for your child much more easily. It provides information about selfcare and how to access local services.


We offer full support for national vaccination programme. You are welcome to contact reception team for further advice and support in making arrangements. Provided below are few links to support you in providing care to children after they have received vaccines. 

What to expect after vaccinations - leaflet for parents and carers (

Using paracetamol to prevent and treat fever after MenB vaccination (